UGC Ads for User Acquisition: A Collection of Best Practices

Discover the latest trends in User Generated Content (UGC) ads for mobile apps and games, and why you should double down on UGC ads in 2023.

How Match-3 Games Can Sustain Traction with Versatile UA Strategies

Match-three games rely on increasingly sophisticated UA and creative strategies. We review how the leaders stay ahead in this fierce and competitive gaming genre.

Mobile Game Ads That Make Twitter Talk

Uncover the secrets behind the standout mobile game ads on Twitter. Replai breaks down the strategies that make these ads worth a tweet.

Introducing Replai API: Unlock the Potential of Your Creatives

Introducing Replai’s API: customers can now easily access data on ad creatives with our API, and integrate it with their current tools and workflows.

The Best Practices Shared by Ad Networks on Creatives

The top mobile ad networks have recommendations and best practices on what makes a strong ad creative on their platforms.

How Privacy Regulations Drive Marketers to Be More Creative

Mobile marketers are facing challenges with signal losses from Apple’s ATT framework. In response, they are turning to more creative solutions to address these changes.

Compare and Analyze Video Creatives Side by Side with Replai’s New Feature

With Replai’s compare dashboard, you can compare your creatives and your competitors’ to spot differences and similarities.

The Challenges of Creative Strategists in the Mobile Industry

Creative strategists are critical in mobile app companies. See how they work and the daily challenges they face.

How Agencies Can Help Your Paid User Acquisition Strategy

App marketing agencies offer a fast and cheap solution to scale paid user acquisition campaigns for mobile app publishers. What services do they offer? How to choose the right paid UA agency? How can internal and external teams work together on creatives?

How TapNation utilized Replai as a single source of truth for all creative video data

Replai has enabled a more independent, data-driven creative team. This has reduced the burden on Jatin and his fellow UA Managers, enabling more strategic assessments of performance.

Webinar wrap-up: Creative excellence in 2022

The webinar “Creative Excellence in 2022” was packed with valuable insights and actionable takeaways. This snazzy wrap-up is here to give you a summary of all the best bits

Feature Release – New Dashboard

Learn all about Replai’s latest feature release. A wonderful new dashboard!

360 session: Jatin Mittal, UA & Monetization manager at TapNation

A great 360 session around all things creative performance with Jatin Mittal and Ergenc from TapNation

360 session: Matej Lančarič. Lessons learned from spending 25 million profitably

In this 360 session we explore lessons learned from spending 25 million profitably.

Why a tumultuous 2021 has made Replai’s video insights even more essential

In this blog we look back on an eventful year, and look ahead to what’s to come in 2022.

360 session: Piyush Mishra. Dealing with data loss and the importance of creative optimization

A deep dive into the importance of creatives with Piyush Mishra from product madness, part 1.

360 session: Piyush Mishra. Dealing with data loss and the importance of creative optimization part 2

A deep dive into the importance of creatives with Piyush Mishra from product madness, part 2.

How Nekki uses Replai to power a data-driven creative video strategy

Nekki explains how they are using Replai to power their user acquisition campaigns through a data-driven creative video strategy.

New in Replai – Learn all about our latest feature releases and light theme.

Replai has gone through a complete redesign, meet light theme!

360 session: Jeremy Widdowson, Navigating the mobile space: assessing networks

A deep dive into dealing with networks from a UA perspective