Improve your creatives, grow your business

Replai helps mobile companies optimize their creatives, so that they can get more revenue out of them.

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Spot the reasons for success, build your library of best practices

Understanding what’s working or not in video creatives is a blind spot for many companies.

With Replai, you can assess the effectiveness of each of your creative elements. From there, we provide AI-driven creative recommendations on how to improve your existing creatives, and give ideas to build entirely new concepts. Your creative win rate will increase and so will your knowledge of what’s working.

Learn, iterate, ideate, test. Repeat.

All your creative elements ready to be mixed and matched

With Replai, you can select and combine your deconstructed video elements (tags), and see how the mix impacts performance metrics. Find out what elements work best together.

Combine creative tags for iteration
creative optimization suggestions

Find out what you need to improve in your creatives with Replai’s creative recommendations

Replai provides AI-driven optimization recommendations for each video creative, based on historical performance data. Get suggestions such as “Remove character A” or “Add Emotion: Fear in the first 5 seconds”.

Explore what you haven’t tried yet

See at a single glance how much you’ve been using each of your video tags, alongside their associated UA metrics. Identify the combination of tags you haven’t tried yet, that could foster new creative concepts.

Get creative ideas with Replai
Replai for creative testing

Improve your testing processes

Stop testing new creatives blindly and waste paid user acquisition money. Better inform your creative experiments by building new custom tags on Replai (video elements) that analyze historical performance and predict the success of a test concept. Your creative testing process is optimized to save time and money.

Lead creative discussions with data

Debating about ad creative concepts is common to every company. To avoid making gut-feel decisions on your next creatives, you need the data to make the right creative choices.

Data driven creative discussion

Build a virtuous creative circle with our actionable features

  • Creative tags combination
  • AI-driven recommendations
  • Creative knowledge hub
  • Historical analysis for new concepts
  • Joint creative and UA Performance data
UA & Monetization manager at TapNation

Jatin Mittal

UA and Monetization Manager at TapNation

Replai has helped us unlock a powerful combination of data, AI & creativity to surpass our KPI’s. We are really impressed by the accuracy of Replai’s analysis.

Turn your videos into success with Replai

Book a demo today and see what insights your team is missing out on

Learn more about our product features

Creative data aggregation

Creative tagging picture

Creative tagging

Video deconstruction

Video ad deconstruction

Creative Performance analysis

Creative performance analysis

Competitors creative analytics

Creative market insights (beta)

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of creative recommendations does Replai provide?

Replai provides AI-driven recommendations based on the data generated by ad creatives. These recommendations work with video tags – Replai’s functionality to identify a wide variety of video elements such as emotion, pace, length, etc.

Based on your ad campaigns, recommendations from Replai will continuously stack up. You will get insights such as “slow pace videos results in a better CTI”, or “using character X results in a better ROASD7”. Replai also provides improvement suggestions on the creative level.

Why is creative optimization important?

Performance marketing managers have less levers to grow their mobile marketing campaigns due to privacy-centric regulations (e.g. IDFA). Because of these changes in the UA space, mobile publishers need to find new inventive ways to keep their user acquisition campaigns successful.

Ad creatives are a key element in the campaign mix: based on their quality and relevance, ad campaigns can drive high engagement and high conversion rates. Hence, it is important to optimize ad creatives to ensure a high level of resonance with your target audience. Creative optimization is critical to a paid campaign’s success.

Which video element should I focus on first?

When brainstorming about a video creative, it is often the case that many questions pop up in marketing meetings. How should the intro look like? Where to place the company logo? All these questions surfaced in brainstorming sessions are important and need to be tackled as part of a creative brief.

Replai recommends to keep a list of all the video elements that matter to the creative teams, so that for each of them, a list of possible options is established. The most popular tags (video elements) in Replai analyzed by our customers include intro type, characters/persons, emotion, sound, objects, background, gameplay type, text, endcard.

Who should be involved in creative discussions?

Discussion about how a creative should look like typically involve members of the marketing team.

Depending on the structure and complexity of a company’s marketing team, examples of job titles involved are: creative strategist, marketing manager, creative producer, designer, marketing director, digital marketing, growth marketing, user acquisition manager. Sometimes, C-suite personas, such as CEOs or founders, also want to be involved in the creative discussions, since ad creatives are directly linked with a company’s brand and strategic direction.