See Replai in action

Find out how Replai can help you uncover new growth opportunities with a data-driven creative strategy.

All your creative performance data
in one place

Replai aggregates all your creative data from ad networks and mobile measurement partners on a single, easy-to-use platform. We empower data-driven creative teams to quickly report on creative performance, and enhance collaboration between creative, marketing and growth teams.

Your video elements tagged and analyzed

Replai tags video elements in creatives at scale – opening the way for in-depth analysis. Using computer vision AI, we can answer the most difficult questions about what to feature in your ad creatives.

Learn new insights by dissecting your creatives

With the staggering number of ads launched every day, standing out is a challenge, and publishers need to up their creative game to stay on top of the competition.

Replai analyzes creatives on the video element level (tags) so you understand what is featured in your videos, when, and for how long. Combined with ad performance data, you finally know “why” a creative is working.

A new performance dashboard to optimize your UA campaigns

Replai reorganizes paid campaigns’ data from a creative point of view, breaking silos between ad networks, campaigns, and ad groups.

All your favorite performance metrics are available, such as CTI or ROAS, and can be used for new dimensional analysis combining video element factors.

Find out what you need to improve in your videos

Replai’s AI-driven algorithm identifies the video elements that are performing well, or not so well, in your creatives.

With Replai, you improve your creative processes to drive success. Iterate on your existing creatives, and optimize them for conversion. Get inspired by brand new concepts and ideas that can help you battle ad fatigue.

Analyze your competitors’ creatives in a new way

With Replai’s competitive ad library, you can deconstruct your competitors’ video ads and understand what video elements (tags) they are using. Compare yourself to the market and discover what tags you should feature in your own creatives.

The world’s leading mobile publishers use Replai to supercharge their creative strategy

6 reasons to start using Replai today

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Improve collaboration

 Creative and UA teams are better aligned: The creative team finally has a data-driven platform they can leverage, and the marketing team finally understands the “why” behind their campaigns’ performance. 

Save time

No more manual, incomplete creative analysis, with Replai, you can quickly identify what’s working at a single glance of our dashboard.

Access New Data

Replai’s dataset of deconstructed ad creatives is unique in the market. Video tags, associated with performance data, unlocks new level of insights. 

Answer your questions

Replai answers creative questions with data. All historical creative performance is gathered there, ready to be actioned.

Fight creative fatigue

In a ultra-competitive market, winning creative concepts quickly fade out. With Replai, creative teams can easily identify winning elements and trends to remain on top of an audience’s attention.

Increase performance

Ultimately, winning creative concepts will lead to improved campaigns performance, leading to sustainable business growth. Replai helps you build an ever-successful creative and paid UA strategy.

UA & Monetization manager at TapNation

Jatin Mittal

UA and Monetization Manager at TapNation

“With Replai we can easily track where the CTR and CVR are going, but we can also indirectly track when we need to add new content to the creatives. It means that as well as refreshing our creatives at the right moment, we can also make data-driven changes to our storefront on platforms like Apple.”

Grow your business with Replai

Book a demo today and see what insights your team is missing out on