Solutions for Mobile Gaming

Replai’s platform is used by leading mobile game publishers to optimize their ad creative performance, and acquire more customers at a lower cost.

The challenge faced by gaming companies: Thrive in a ultra competitive world

Mobile game publishers are facing intense competition on paid channels. They need to build the best possible creatives to ensure that their performance metrics, such as CPIs or ROASD7, are above market average. They encounter many challenges along the way, such as:

  • Privacy-centric changes (IDFA, GAID deprecation)
  • Too many ad networks and campaign strategies to choose from
  • Lack of visibility over what makes a winning paid campaign
  • Ad fatigue reducing conversion rates, installs and revenue
  • Competitors fast evolving their strategies

Replai helps mobile game publishers get actionable data to inform their next moves

creativeS and campaigns dashboard

Replai consolidates all of your mobile games’ ad campaigns under a single roof, so you have a clear view of how each creative is being promoted.

Replai’s dashboard is simple and easy-to-use, and allows for extensive analysis not just on key metrics, but also on creative-related datapoints such as creative launch date, aging or video tags. By combining performance and creative tagging, gaming companies get a better understanding of what’s working.

All creative assets in one place
creative analytics

Replai’s advanced creative analytics capabilities provide in-depth insights on a mobile game’s creatives, broken down to the video element level (tag).

Deconstruct video ads, compare creatives, and see how video elements are featured, when, and for how long. With performance metrics on the side, your teams gather actionable insights – for example they identify the best performing gameplay, or the most converting end card.

creative testing

Testing new creatives to drive growth costs time and money. Mobile game publishers can use Replai’s creative tagging to test new concepts for free by leveraging historical performance metrics.

With Replai, you can build a more efficient testing process with actionable historical creative data, and validate or invalidate a concept before spending any money on it.

Creative tagging performance
best practices hub

Game publishers create a very large amount of creatives on a regular basis for their paid campaigns. For each creative and campaign launched, there are lessons to learn.

Replai helps centralize learnings from creatives’ performances, to make sure that teams are optimizing creative production by incorporating best practices. Replai becomes the go-to place to build the next creatives for upcoming campaigns.

The best mobile game publishers are growing with Replai

Chier Marketing Officer at Nekki

Alexander Lubchenko

CMO at Nekki

Replai enables us to both understand the small picture and the big picture simultaneously. No other platform lets us understand our campaigns at scale, while also identifying specific creative elements which can be changed to improve overall performance

UA & Monetization manager at TapNation

Jatin Mittal

UA and Monetization Manager at TapNation

Replai has helped us unlock a powerful combination of data, AI & creativity to surpass our KPI’s. We are really impressed by the accuracy of Replai’s analysis.

Grow your mobile games with Replai

Book a demo today and see what insights your team is missing out on

Learn more about our product features

Creative data aggregation

Creative tagging picture

Creative tagging

Video deconstruction

Video ad deconstruction

Creative Performance analysis

Creative performance analysis

Creative insights and recommendations

Creative recommendations & optimization

Competitors creative analytics

Creative market insights (beta)