Break down videos, learn new creative insights

Replai deconstructs video ads and provides extensive insights on a publisher’s creative assets library.

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Video analysis goes one step further with Replai

Mobile companies produce videos at a fast rate, resulting in an immense library of video assets. How to make sense of them all? How to quickly analyze their performance?

With Replai, your video assets are centralized, deconstructed, and ready for in-depth analysis. We are opening a new way to manage and analyze video creatives to spark new insights and ideas.

Deep dive into your videos

A powerful video analytics dashboard

Automatically deconstruct your video asset with a timeline view, where you can see how all your video elements (tags) are unfolding over time. See performance metrics on the side and get AI-driven recommendations to improve your video.

video performance timeline and metrics
compare video ads

An innovative way to compare videos (New)

Select and compare your videos, and see their differences and similarities across various video elements. Find out what the most successful creative has, which is missing on the other creatives.

All your video assets in one place

Manage all your video assets from Replai’s library. Get summary performance insights, sort and filter by launch date, ad networks and campaigns. Tidy up your video creatives and save time when analyzing them.

video asset library
competitor video gallery

Not just your own videos (Beta)

With Replai’s creative gallery, you can also deconstruct your competitors’ ad creatives. Expand your knowledge by getting unparalleled insights into your competitors’ videos and strategies.

Your video assets library, ready for action

Replai’s platform is built to easily manage, play and analyze video creatives. With Replai tags, we empower teams to conduct extensive analysis across their video library to draw actionable insights on every video element.

video deconstruction

Why do you need to deconstruct your video ads?

  • To identify the video elements that matter to your audience
  • To see where these video elements (tags) are used across your video library
  • To understand the impact of using a specific element at a certain point in time, for a certain duration
  • To find new ideas for creative iteration
  • To inform your creative roadmap with data
Chier Marketing Officer at Nekki

Alexander Lubchenko

CMO at Nekki

There were honestly moments when we thought: ‘can we have missed something this obvious?!’ Replai immediately identified technical requirements which we now use in all of our videos.

Enhance your video analytics capabilities with Replai

Book a demo today and see what insights your team is missing out on

Learn more about our product features

Creative data aggregation

Creative tagging picture

Creative tagging

Creative Performance analysis

Creative performance analysis

Creative insights and recommendations

Creative recommendations & optimization

Competitors creative analytics

Creative market insights (beta)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is video deconstruction?

Video deconstruction is a process to analyze a video by breaking it down to its core “building bricks” elements. A video is made up of numerous elements defining the video: sound, featured characters, voices, text, background, emotions, objects, camera angle, etc. These elements can also appear at certain point in time during the video, in specific locations.

The process of deconstructing a video consist in listing all these video elements (they are close to infinite), identify their values (e.g. for emotion, it could be sadness, anger, surprise) and when/where they appear in a video. By deconstructing a video, users have a better understanding of the “structure” of a video across multiple dimensions (i.e. video elements). In Replai, we call the identified video elements “Tags” – these tags are at the core of Replai’s technology.

What types of video analysis can I do on Replai?

In Replai, your videos are “tagged” based on the video elements you’d like to analyze (e.g. featured influencer, featured gameplay, intro type, etc.). You build a library of tags across all your videos. From these tags, you can perform numerous analysis by combining other data sets, such as ad networks performance data.

For instance, you can understand how you’ve been using specific tags across your video library, or how your videos and their associated tags are performing when promoted in paid campaigns. Ultimately, the video analysis you can perform in Replai should help you understand the driving factors of success behind your videos.

Can I use Replai as a video asset library?

Replai consolidates all your video creative assets into a single platform, by connecting to your ad networks.

Replai then becomes your video asset library listing all the videos that you promoted across your paid campaigns. You have better visibility over all the ad creatives you created and promoted to date.

How can I compare videos with Replai?

In just a few click, you can select the video creatives you’d like to compare in Replai. You can compare up to 5 video creatives at the same time.

You will be able to compare creatives’ associated performance metrics, the differences detected across video tags (e.g. if a character appears in one video, but not in another), as well as similarities (e.g. if you are using the same background). By comparing videos, you can better identify the video elements that have an impact on KPIs.